The health of mankind and that of the planet have always been closely related: we all live in the same ecosystem and to ensure our survival and that of other forms of life is essential to learn to respect balance and sustainable practices.

Tenuta Torciano’s philosophy is based on love and respect for the Earth: every day we dedicate our energies to cultivate vineyards and olive trees, in order to give life to healthy and genuine products, obtained with traditional techniques handed down from generation to generation.

In 2021, Tenuta Torciano embraces the project “Torciano Green”. This project is born in response to a need always present in man: to connect to nature and draw from it well-being, positivity and inspiration. Recovering this contact is almost a vital need following the period of isolation recently spent.

Faced with a pandemic that has profoundly changed our lives and habits, Torciano Green is committed to the creation of a completely sustainable natural space, to encourage the re-establishment of a new relationship between man and Earth, mind and nature. Creating a healthy and genuine environment, to awaken a simple and sincere way of being, where the environment regains a primary role and its fundamental value is recognized.